Buy. Rent. Lease.
10 bed · 12 bath · 180,000 sqm
4 Properties listed on the market. All are fully furnished with a modern style. Master bed rooms. Sana. Gym. Pool. Roof top view over LA.
5 Mansion Property
4 Properties listed on the market. All are fully furnished with a modern style. Master bed rooms. Sana. Gym. Pool. Roof top view over LA.
Located in small area of the hills that lies just east of the 101. Prior to the 101 being built, “the Hollywood Dell” was part of Whitley Heights and considered part of the original Hollywood Hills. Right next to the Hollywood Sign & Reservoir. Super quick freeway access, convenient access to the Hollywood Bowl and the Sunday farmer's market in Hollywood, easily one of L.A.’s largest and most popular street markets.